With emerging technologies altering the infrastructure and engineering industry, roles for these professionals are evolving, this often means that professionals have to upskill themselves to be able to match new positions that are becoming available.
Identify your gaps in knowledge and work on ways to fill it. Base your priorities on your career trajectory.
Research relevant certifications and courses that you can aim towards to set you apart from your competition. Find a mentor in your field that can provide you with practical advice and help you reach your career goals.
Once you complete your course, you can share your knowledge with your team. It builds trust and credibility and shows your knowledge and drive. You could go one step further and become a mentor.
Advice from LVI Associates:
If you’re unsure about which areas you want to upskill yourself in, one of our specialist recruiters can guide you with regards to skills that are in high demand on the market.

12 Days of Career Advice